Dividend Comparison

Dividend Comparison

Compare dividend claims and payment details with Dividend Comparison, which highlights breaking information between two counterparties.

How It Works

Files are submitted by both counterparties 

Claims are compared and discrepancies identified using a multi-step algorithm

Counterparties resolve breaks on the browser and messaging is sent back, which can automatically update a client’s proprietary system

Pre-advice functionality allows users to send claim payment details; alternatively, a client can send a one-sided file and the receiver can affirm the claim and payment details


  • Data delivery by browser entry, FTP or XLS file upload

  • Pre-advice offers payment instructions, which can be received by a firm’s proprietary system

  • Customizable tolerances by currency

  • Two-sided comparison or single file delivery with counterparty affirmation

  • Public and private comments to record notes on a break

  • Ages unresolved breaks prior to and post pay date

  • Reduces time spent manually reconciling & paying or making claims

  • History tab displays data from past runs

  • Get paid on time!

Collateral Trading

EquiLend Collateral Trading offers funding and financing desks a centralized way to execute and manage trade structures with their counterparties. Collateral Trading supports collateral trade negotiation, execution and management of lifecycle events, such as substitutions and transaction rolls.


EquiLend is a global financial technology firm offering trading, post-trade, market data, regulatory and clearing services for the securities finance, collateral and swaps industries. EquiLend has offices in New York, Toronto, London, Dublin, Hong Kong and Tokyo.

Iain Mackay
Global Product Owner
Post-Trade Services
+44 20 7426 4402

Rowena Brown
+44 20 7426 4412